Email Marketing

The Most Direct Way To


Contacts and Clients

Email Marketing is the most affordable and direct way to keep in touch with current contacts and clients – and to attract new ones.

Webline has over 2 decades of experience in Email Marketing. We began by sending tens of thousands of targeted emails over dial up 14.4 modems in 1995. What took hours then can be done in minutes now. But that’s not all that’s changed!

Effective Email Marketing requires an understanding of list acquisition, cross-platform/cross-device HTML email design, engaging content creation, deliverability, and email campaign tracking. While we have worked on a variety of platforms from custom solutions we’ve developed to services such as MailChimp, we have standardized our solutions on Constant Contact’s platform as we’ve found that Constant Contact provides the best balance between cost, ease of use, and deliverability.

We offer a full range of email marketing services including Constant Contact setup (including list import and subscription form creation), custom email template design (for newsletters, special announcements, holiday messages and more), training, and custom content creation. We also integrate your Constant Contact account with your web site by creating subscription forms and archive pages.

Whether you want to manage your Email Marketing in house or are looking for a fully managed solution we can help you communicate directly with your target audience and, even better, in combination with our Content Marketing services, draw them back to your web site for increased engagement.


  • List Acquisition
  • Constant Contact Set Up
  • Custom Template Design
  • Training
  • Campaign Management


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